Welcome to the Chapter Management Handbook (CMH). The CMH is designed to assist those in leadership positions in the local chapters of the American Guild of Organists. This may include not only elected or appointed officers of the chapter, but also interested members as well. This latest version of the CMH has been updated to provide many of the resources that were previously found in printed form in a user friendly, online format.
Where to begin?
The Chapter Management Handbook text is found by clicking on the PDF icon in the sidebar to the right. This text begins with a table of contents of the various sections of the CMH. If you are a newly elected officer of a chapter, this is the best place to begin. The duties of chapter officers are outlined, a timeline for chapter management is provided, and a variety of information authored by several different leaders in the AGO covering many subject areas is made available. Chapter leaders should read and familiarize themselves with the contents of this document as they begin their leadership duties. It is also important for those returning to leadership posts to review the document as changes and updates will be made.
The remaining links in the sidebar provide access to supporting documents that will be helpful to all chapter leaders. This includes national by-laws of the AGO and various other important statements and documents regarding the national organization. The final tab in the menu provides various links to locations outside the www.agohq.org website which provide information or services which may be helpful to chapter leaders. These websites may be commercial in their focus and the AGO has no control over their content, but like many websites found on the web they may be very helpful to local chapters.
We hope each chapter leader will be able to find the information they need in the Chapter Management Handbook. Should you fail to find the answer to your question, please contact the Manager of Membership and Chapter Relations, Leah Semiken, at the national office, leah.semiken@agohq.org.