Message from the Dean
Randall (Randy) C. Sheets, dean
Come join the Mobile Chapter in our many activities, including performances, learning opportunities, organ advocacy projects, and social events. We are welcoming- and intentional about planning events for everyone- from the new organist to seasoned veterans. New members are always welcome!
Local Events
- Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, 6:30 p.m. Evensong and Reception at St. Paul’s Episcopal. Chapter members will provide the musical leadership, including serving as the choir. Contact an officer for more information.
For information about the Mobile chapter, contact any of the officers listed below. When joining the AGO, or renewing your membership, be sure to indicate your desire to affiliate with the Mobile Chapter.
- To offer your services as a substitute organist, or to seek a substitute, contact Randy Sheets (see Chapter Officers below.)
- Employers and job seekers are invited to post and search listings of available positions on the Guild’s National Website.
Chapter Officers
- Dean: Randall C. Sheets. (Spring Hill Presbyterian Church) Email 251-342-1550, ext. 15.
- Sub-dean: Tommy Watts (Supply Organist; Rodgers Organs representative)
- Treasurer: Peggy Lyden. (St. Paul’s Episcopal). Email 251-342-8521
- Secretary: Joe Setzer (St. Luke’s Episcopal Church).
Please follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/American-Guild-of-Organists-Mobile-Chapter-1764423153888414/