What is ONCARD?
ONCARD stands for Online National Collection and Remittal of Dues. As mandated by the AGO National Council the method of collecting dues is changing. Rather than members paying dues to a chapter and having the chapters send a portion of those dues to national headquarters, the national office will be responsible for invoicing and collecting dues from all members. We will return to the chapters your portion of the dues as well as any other chapter-specific funds collected during dues renewal.
Do all chapters have to participate in ONCARD?
The National Council strongly encourages all chapters to participate in ONCARD but, participation is not mandatory. Please notify Ashleigh Hendrix (ashleigh.hendreix@agohq.org) if you plan to opt out of ONCARD.
What if some of our members don’t use email, or don’t want to pay by credit or debit card?
We will mail paper invoices to members who do not have an email address and to members who have an email address but prefer to receive a paper invoice. They can write a check and return it to the National office. Members who receive an invoice, either by email or U.S. mail, and who don’t want to pay by credit card can send a check to the National office. If a member sends a check payable to the local chapter, the chapter should follow tradition and send a dues report to the National office with that member’s national portion of the dues. However, to avoid confusion, we hope that chapters will strongly encourage members who want to pay by check to send them to the National office.
My Church pays my AGO dues. How will that work with ONCARD?
Print out your invoice and give it to the responsible person at your church. Ask him or her to include the printed copy of the invoice when the check is mailed so we can properly credit your account.
What else can ONCARD do?
You can also use ONCARD to update personal data in our national database such as mailing address, or date of birth, and to make contributions to chapter and national funds. Most chapters have also set up chapter-specific data fields such as substitute availability, skills, etc. Filling in these chapter specific fields helps your officers administer the chapter. Chapter officers can also use Chapter Administration feature of ONCARD to update the personal data of their members, arrange payment of chapter-sponsored members, print rosters, export member data to a csv file, and review reports to track funds that have been returned to the chapter. Several new and exciting features have been added to the Chapter Administration menu for the 2015-2016 dues year.
How will chapters receive their portion of a member’s dues?
Members will pay their dues and make contributions to national and local funds either by credit card through ONCARD or by a check to the national office. The national office will remit the chapter portion of dues and any contributions to local funds to the chapter bank account via ACH transfer or check. A detailed accounting of each transfer will be available via the Review Remits feature of the Chapter Administration subsection of the ONCARD menu.
How do chapters collect chapter-specific data from members who don’t have email addresses or don’t want to use ONCARD?
The paper invoice we mail will allow members to update their address and other basic contact information and to make contributions to local chapter funds. National will process this information. But we do not have the capacity to input data from the many chapter-specific fields you have been setting up (substitute availability, days of availability, etc.).
The Print Chapter Data Collection Form option on the Chapter Administration submenu of ONCARD will allow chapters to print out a form that contains the chapter-specific data fields your chapter has set up. This form may be printed in your newsletter, mailed to members, or handed out at meetings. Members may fill out the form and return it to you for your input into ONCARD.
Updated: April 8, 2015