Message from the Dean
It was great to see so many of you at the Progressive Dinner. Thank you to all who helped make the event possible. A good time was had by all.
Congratulations to our new officers: Huger Caughman, Dean; Bill Cooper, Sub Dean; Steve Nadeau, Secretary and Erica Pauly, Treasurer. They will provide us with fine leadership.
The Installation of Officers is May 19 at 7pm in the Chapel of First Presbyterian Church. Marcia Andrews will be our organist. A reception will follow. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Dean. I look forward to being a member for many more years
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Membership Renewal Update Members should have received an email notification from the National Office pertaining to the AGO’s new Online National Collection and Remittal of Dues (ONCARD) system. This new system allows members to pay their dues online using a credit card, update their personal information, search for Guild members, and make contributions. (Members can still pay by check.) ONCARD will launch in April for the 2014-2015 dues season and will begin invoicing members by email. What should I do now? Login to ONCARD and update/change your personal information. – You will need your member ID from your TAO magazine address label. – If you have any questions contact Erica Pauly our Treasurer Please be patient as we go through this transition/learning period together
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS
Monday, May 19, the Guild will meet at First Presbyterian Church, Chapel for a “vesper” service and Installation of the officers elected at the April Meeting. Marcia Andrews will be host and organist. Following the meeting there will be refreshments available and a chance to meet ‘n greet. The new officers are:
Huger Caughman, Jr. Dean. Caughman was raised in Newberry County. He attended Newberry College and took graduate courses from Converse College, Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Caughman was appointed church organist at Redeemer Lutheran in Newberry in 2008. In addition to his duties as organist, He teaches Algebra I at Newberry High School. His hobbies include reading, writing, gardening, traveling, and music.
William Cooper, Sub-Dean. Cooper is the Former Director at the Laurens County Library. He Studied at Presbyterian College and Wake Forest University and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steven Nadeau, Secretary was born in Wiesbaden, Germany. He was a graduate of the California State University, Sacramento; Franciscan School of Theology Master’s in Divinity:, A Licensed Funeral Directorand Insurance Broker and Agent. He was Organist at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Fairfield, California, Organist and Director of Liturgy and Music St; Mary’s Catholic Church, Vacaville, Caifornia, He is Administrator of Colonel Joel M. Heiser Veteran’s Independent Living Center, Chesnee, Former Chaplain of Tidewater Hospice of Spartanburg and is currently on staff as organist at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Spartanburg, SC, A member of the Cadillac-LaSalle National Automobile Club of America and of the Carolina’s
Erica Pauly, Treasurer. Pauly, former Organist at Grace United Methodist Church, Union. Adjunct Professor at Converse College, and Substitute Church Musician, Organ, Piano, Choir, Hand bells. She also is a Performing Artist as a collaborative Pianist She received her BMus and MMus at Converse College
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- COWAN TO PLAY IN BREVARD
Ken Cowan will play a recital at Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 18 at 3:30 pm. The concert is on the newly renovated Casavant Freres Opus 3082 which was installed in 1970. The instrument was a two manual 25 rank instrument. Cornel Zimmer Organ Company, who rebuilt the instrument in 1995 as their Opus 21, the most recent rebuild included a new three manual console and digital stops. Cowan, currently Professor of Organ at Rice University, Houston, TX, is an international concert artist, and was on the faculty of Westminster Choir College. Admission to the concert is free, but, an offering will be taken for the church’s Music Fund, with ten-percent of the monies received going to the Sharing House.
What a full evening for our April Annual Meeting. The evening began at Central United Methodist Church with Appetizers in the Social Hall. A tasteful presentation of cheeses and shrimp cocktail.
Then Dr. John Bullard, Organist at Central 1961 to 1972 treated us to a recital on the three manual Larrabee Memorial Organ built Austin Organ, Opus 2645 and installed in 1980. His program included “Hornpipe” by George Frederick Handel (1685-1759); “Benedictus” by Homer Whitford (1892-1980); and “Tallis’ Canon” by Richard Purvis (1913-1994)
Next we moved to Bethel United Methodist, where we were treated to a delicious dinner of Roast Beef, potatoes, fresh beans and Brocolli. Hosted by Dean Smithey.
We then went into the Sanctuary where Dean Smithey played a recital on the three manual 36 rank M. P. Moller, Opus 10864. organ. It was installed in 1973. Smithey’s recital consisted of “Fanfare” by Janet Correll (1942); “Adagio in D minor” by James F. Konkel (1961) and “Lift High the Cross” Donald Busarow (1934-2011).
The final stop of the evening was at St John’s Lutheran Church where Frankie Deal hosted us for some delicious desserts and coffee.
Her recital, played on the new Allen Quantum Q370, a 58 stop three manual instrument included, “Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear” by Heinrich Fleischer (1912-2006); “Larghetto” (from Clarinet Quintet, by W. A. Mozart (1756-1791) Arranged by Homeer Whitford (1892-1980) and the final piece “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise” by Robert Hobby (1962)
The instruments:
M. P. Moller Opus 2465 Central United Methodist
M. P. Moller Opus 10864 Bethel United Methodist
Allan Quantum Q370 St. John’s Lutheran
(Allan Photograph
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– CHARLOTTE’S ANNUAL SUMMER RECITALS! All recitals are at 7:00 pm, unless otherwise noted.
June 1, 2014, Todd Wilson with the choirs of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church and Covenant Presbyterian Church Covenant Presbyterian Church
June 8, 2014, Samantha Koch Providence United Methodist Church
June 15, 2014, Budd Kirby St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
June 22, 2014, Stigall Scholar Student Recital Myers Park Presbyterian Church
June 29, 2014, Gianfranco and Mara DeLuca St. Patrick’s Cathedral
July 6, 2014, Timothy Belk Covenant Presbyterian Church
July 13, 2014, Kevin Neel Unity Presbyterian Church
July 20, 2014, 4:00 in the afternoon, Royal School of Church Music Service of Evensong Myers Park Baptist Church Director: Dr. Bryan Mock, Organist: Dr. David Arcus
July 27, 2014, Andrew Pester and Dongho Lee St. John’s Baptist Church
August 3, 2014, John Alexander Providence United Methodist Church
August 10, 2014, Adam Ward Providence United Methodist Church
August 17, 2014, Jimmy Jones & Patrick Scott with members of the Charlotte and Winston-Salem Symphonies Myers Park United Methodist Church
August 24, 2014, Matthew Noonan Westminster Presbyterian Church
August 31, 2014, 6:00pm, Les Ackerman & Appalachian Faculty Brass Quintet St. Mark’s Lutheran Church —————————————————————-
BERLIN: The International Touring Organ has arrived at the Delphi in Berlin, where Camerion Carpenter will be rehearsing for its European debut tour beginning May 2, showcasing it non-stop to international press in a series of conferences and filming. There is an exclusive Berlin preview performance on May 2 at the Delphi before its European debut at Vienna’s Wiener Konzerthaus on May 6, followed by an extensive tour taking him through the end of July. Shown is the ITO waiting to be deployed at the Delphi in Berlin.
It is with some regret, that this issue will be the last that I edit/publish. This concludes the seventh year in this position. I have had great fun doing this, especially the research for the articles . I have learned so much about the organ and organists world-wide. And getting to know you, a group of very talented and artistic people.
In January, I was elected treasurer of the Episcopal Booksellers Association, a national organization of Episcopal book and gift stores, and supporting vendors. What I didn’t realize then, was the demand that it would have on my time, and the reason that I must give up editing “Pipings”
Whatever form the “Pipings” may take, I hope you will supply the new publisher/editor with all the information and news that you can pull together of happenings in greater Spartanburg. Also give it timely manner.
Some of you may know this, but as I reflected on my earlier editions, It reminded me that a John Williams invited me to join the Guild while he was shopping at Stein Mart. One never knows whose path will cross yours in a life time! I feel very fortunate for that invitation.
I will be renewing my membership in the Guild.
Membership in the Guild is open to all music lovers, not just organists. The benefits of membership are many, including the very important local network and the monthly journal, THE AMERICAN ORGANIST, which contains outstanding articles, music reviews, new organ notices, and more. Contact; Joan E. Kotrady (membership chairman), 864-895-9081.
AVAILABLE TO SUBSTITUTE (All telephone numbers Area Code 864 unless otherwise noted. List includes chapter members and others.):substitutes (Sundays and other days)
Fran Bagwell (864) 582-8388 E-mail: fjbagwell@yahoo.com (handbells)
Larry Blackman (864) 895-6064/354-7815 E-mail: jlb11@att.net
William C. “Bill” Cooper (864) 969-2707 E-mail: mthappy@prtcnet.com
Sylvia Jennings (864)579-7887 E-mail: sylviaj114@charter.net
Doris Luther (864) 579-3149 E-mail: dbluther@aol.com
Mary Lou Miller (864) 576-2818/680-2800 E-mail: millertsml@att.net
Gayle Wade (864) 921-2205 E-mail: gaylewwade@charter.net (organ, piano & keyboard) (Other than Sundays)
Ben Chumley (864) 441-3231 E-mail: benchumley@yahoo.com (piano)
Richard B. Crib (864) 576-8807/921-1190 E-mail: orgrichard@aol.com
W. Leigh Fleury (864) 833-6530/833-1275 E-mail: wlfleury@juno.com
Frances D. Johnson (864) 583-5792 E-mail: fjhj1993@charter.net
Diane V. Pickens (864) 583-1193/621-5033 E-mail: dvpickens@yahoo.com
Pamela Smithey (864) 680-8230 E-mail: pamsmithey@gmail.com (also Sun. nights)
Kaylene B. Wilbur(864) 573-6312 Email: wesleywilbur@charter.net
Further information regarding chapter members available to substitute (organ or handbells) may be obtained by contacting Pamela Smithey, 864-583-4763psmithey@casebrothers.com
Employers and job seekers are invited to post and search listings of available positions on the Guild’s National Website.
Contact the chapter Dean regarding the process for pursiung AGO certification.
Contact Us
Dean: Pamela Smithey, 864-680-8230 pamsmithey@gmail.com
Sub-Dean: Huger Caughman. 803-276-4836; hpcaughman@bellsouth.net
Secretary: Bill Cooper, 864-969-2707; mthappy@prtcnet.com
Treasurer: Lane Hill, 864-595-1513; christopherlanehill@hotmail.com
Chaplain: Therlon W. Joyner, 864-585-4461 therlon@bellsouth.net
Immediate Past Dean: Diane Pickens, 864-583-1193; dvpickens@yahoo.com
History–Richard Cribb Program–Huger Caughman Professional Concerns–Tommy Bishop Membership–Lane Hill Communications–Diane Pickens Hospitatlity–Nacy McCarter/Rita Medley Scholarship–Frankie Deal Newsletter web facebook-you/me on fb only Parliamentarian–Kym Mahnke Pedals, Pipes, Pizza–Brennan Szafron TAO–Huger Caughman
R. A. Daffer Church Organs, Inc. (www.dafferorgans.com) representing Fratelli Ruffatti Pipe Organs (www.Ruffatti.com).
Case Brothers of Spartanburg (musical instruments and sheet music) =www.casebrothers.com
Robert I. Coulter, organbuilder. 2233 Faulkner Road, Atlanta, GA 30324. Telphone 404-931-3103. http://coulterorgans.com.
Stuart Organ Company. 44 Saint John Avenue, Binghamtom, NY 13905. 607-237-0125 (VOX and FAX). www.stuartorgan.com.
Michael Proscia Organbuilder Inc. PO Box 547, Bowdon, GA, 30108; 770-258-3388.www.prosciaorgans.com
The Arts in Spartanburg = http://www.spartanarts.org
Sparklenet (cultural organizations in Spartanburg)= www.sparklenet.com
South Carolina Arts Daily = www.state.sc.us/arts/daily
South Carolina Educational Radio (ETV Radio) = www.etvradio.org
Charlotte (N.C.) AGO Chapter = www.charlotteago.org
Western N.C. AGO Chapter = www.wnc-ago.org
Greater Columbia (S.C.) AGO Chapter = www.columbiaago.org
Organ Historical Society (organ recordings, books, and printed music) =www.organsociety.org (for orders: www.ohscatalog.org)
Zarex (Pro Organo audio & video recordings) = www.zarex.com
Gothic Catalog (organ recordings) = www.gothicrecords.com
University Music House = www.universitymusichouse.com (printed music)
National web site for Sacred Harp shape-note singing = www.fasola.org
National website for Christian Harmony shape-note singing = www.christianharmony.org
Musical-arts.net — Articles, resources, and fetures designed exclusively for organists, choral directors, clergy, and those who appreciate music = www.musical-arts.net
Musical events in Columbia (SC): ColumbiaConcerts@aol.com.