In December 1982, the Guild established the AGO Annual Fund – a campaign to generate contributions beyond dues from individual members, chapters, and businesses in fields related to organ and choral music. Monies raised through the Annual Fund support the general operating expenses of the national organization.
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Printable Form for Contributions
Contribution levels are as follows:
Benefactor ($1,000+)
Sponsor ($500-999)
Patron ($250-499)
Donor ($100-249)
Sustainer ($50-99)
Contributor ($25-49)
Friend ($1-24)
Thanks to the generosity of thousands of individuals, chapters, and businesses that contributed to the Annual Fund last year, the day-to-day challenges of the Guild were better met, and our financial foundations were strongly reinforced. Contributions to the AGO Annual Fund are used to support:
SUBSIDIZED membership dues, including reduced dues for senior citizens, students, and the disabled; member life, health, and disability insurance at low group rates; liability insurance for all chapter events and maintenance of tax-exempt status for all chapters.
PUBLICATION of a comprehensive library of educational materials for organists and choir directors, ranging from print and audio resources designed to improve musical skills to documents focusing on professional concerns; and chapter leadership materials, such as the Chapter Management Handbook and the new Chapter Outreach to New Organists booklet.
CONTINUING EDUCATION programs including professional development workshops, seminars, and masterclasses; and the five-tier Professional Certification program for all members.
OUTREACH programs to raise public awareness about the organ, such as Pipe Organ Encounters for youth and adults, the PipeWorks program for children, and the AGO Web site.
COMMUNICATIONS with seminaries, denominational leaders, and music organizations to improve working relationships between organists and the institutions they serve.
SPONSORSHIP of four widely respected national competitions in organ performance, improvisation, organ and choral composition, and the Regional Competitions for Young Organists.
COMMISSIONS of new music to broaden the repertoire for organists and choirs.
CONVENTIONS on the regional and national levels for all members.
The importance of the AGO Annual Fund grows each year as we strive to reach ambitious new goals. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to the AGO Annual Fund today. With your help we will be able to strengthen the Guild’s services and enhance our support of the profession into the new millennium.