The Michael Bedford New Music Fund was created in 2022 in honor of our AGO Past President (2016–2022), in recognition of his extraordinary service to the AGO, and in celebration of his distinguished career as an award-winning composer. This fund provides loans to AGO National Conventions to support the commissioning of new music.
Bedford’s choral, organ, and handbell compositions are published by Choristers Guild, Coronet, Hinshaw, Harold Flammer, Augsburg, Concordia, Abingdon, AGEHR, Broude, World Library Publications, and St. James Music Press.
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Contribution levels are as follows:
Benefactor ($1,000+)
Sponsor ($500-999)
Patron ($250-499)
Donor ($100-249)
Sustainer ($50-99)
Contributor ($25-49)
Friend ($1-24)