Committee on Finance and Development
This committee is responsible for the ongoing budgeting process, which includes annual development and review of the operating budget for approval by the National Council at its regular spring meeting. It develops financial and investment policies of the Guild and advises on their implementation and on the overall financial policy of the Guild. In coordination with the Director of Development, it is responsible for soliciting gifts for the Endowment Funds, the Annual Fund, and special projects, and for recommending and implementing all policies and actions for the Annual and Endowment funds.
Director: John S. Dixon, MA, MBA, CAGO
Alain G. Bojarski
Ed Maki-Schramm, DMA
Jeffrey Verkuilen, FAGO, MBA, CPA
Elizabeth Hung Wong, MM
ex officio:
Eileen J. Hunt, DMA, AAGO, President
James Thomashower, CAE, Exec. Dir.
F. Anthony Thurman, DMA, staff
Abigail Loyal, staff
AGO Staff Support:
F. Anthony Thurman, DMA
Chief Development Officer
Abigail Loyal
Financial Manager
Budget – Dixon, Hunt, Thomashower, Loyal
Investment – Dixon, Verkuilen, Hunt, Thomashower, Loyal
Development – Committee of the whole with Hunt, Thomashower, Thurman
Non-Profit Audit Committee
The Non-Profit Audit Committee oversees accounting principles and practices, reporting and disclosures, the auditor and the audit process, management’s system of internal controls, and whistle blower policy.
Director: Jeffrey Verkuilen, MBA, CPA, FAGO
John S. Dixon, MA, MBA, CAGO
James Thomashower, CAE (ex officio)
For lists of members of all National Committees, please refer to the National Committees and Task Forces page.