The American Guild of Organists honored three award- winning composers at its Annual Meeting on June 22, during the 2016 AGO National Convention in Houston, TX. AGO Vice President Christian Lane presided over the award presentations to David Ashley White of Houston, Ivan Božičević of Croatia, and Michael Gilbertson of Hamden, CT

The 2016 Distinguished Composer Award was presented to David Ashley White. The prestigious award, created in 1986, is presented biennially to recognize outstanding composers of organ and choral music in the United States. White’s anthem, With a Shining Like the Sun, for mixed chorus, brass, timpani, organ, and congregation, was given its premier performance during the convention. Previous award recipients include: Virgil Thomson, Ned Rorem, Daniel Pinkham, Samuel Adler, Dominick Argento, William Albright, Conrad Susa, Emma Lou Diemer, Dan Locklair, William Bolcom, Alice Parker, Carl Schalk, Margaret Sandresky, Richard Proulx, Stephen Paulus, David Hurd, Craig Phillips, and Libby Larsen.

The 2016 AGO/Marilyn Mason Award in Organ Composition was presented to Ivan Božičević for The Moonpiper–A Bagpipe Dance for Organ, which was given its premier performance by Joby Bell during the convention. The award included a cash prize of $2,000, and publication by Hinshaw Music Inc.

The 2016 AGO/ECS Publishing Award in Choral Composition was presented to Michael Gilbertson for his anthem for SATB choir, organ, and trumpet, The Voice of the Lord, which was given its premier performance during the convention. The award included a cash prize of $2,000 and publication, both provided by the ECS Publishing Co.