The AGO National Council instituted the S. Lewis Elmer Award to be given each year to the person who attains the highest score in either Associateship or Fellowship examination. In addition to a handsome certificate affirming the honor, a cash award is made.
For this purpose, the S. Lewis Elmer Fund was established in 1968; the first award was given to Robert Cundick in 1970. Today, annual earnings from the S. Lewis Elmer Fund are used also in support of FAGO, AAGO, and ChM certification prize awards. S. Lewis Elmer was Warden and President of the AGO (1943–1958). He worked tirelessly to establish local chapters throughout the country. Among the many honors bestowed upon S. Lewis Elmer during his lifetime of accomplishment, his Associateship Certificate was his proudest possession. It is fitting that Dr. Elmer’s many years of devoted service to the Guild are memorialized through the S. Lewis Elmer Award.
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