AGO certification is for life. Reinforce your skills, improve your employment options, and earn the respect of your peers. The online application for the FAGO, AAGO, and ChM is now available.
Click here to get on the path toward certification.
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AGO certification is for life. Reinforce your skills, improve your employment options, and earn the respect of your peers. The online application for the FAGO, AAGO, and ChM is now available.
Click here to get on the path toward certification.
J Gordon Christensen says
Good Morning! As an studio organ teacher, I have four students planning to earn the SPC, and one CAGO in the upcoming season. I need five copies of the 2013 Revised Edition of the Examination Hymn Booklet , available as a PDF.
Please. And thank you.
Dr. J Gordon Christensen; SPC, CAGO, AAGO